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Robertson-Sayre, Corwin, and Larimore Halls (Wesley College)

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Wesley College
1908–1910, 1930 Robertson-Sayre Hall; 1908 Corwin Hall and Larimore Hall, A. W. McCrea
  • Corwin Hall (Photograph by Steve C. Martens)

Acquired by UND in 1965, Wesley College began in Wahpeton in 1891 as a Methodist institution, known as Red River Valley University. Comprised of three main halls (Robertson-Sayre, Corwin, and Larimore), all designed by McCrea, the buildings form a quadrangle across University Avenue to the north and to the original UND campus layout. Their Beaux-Arts classical design contrasts with the Collegiate Gothic to the south of University Avenue. Wesley affiliated with UND at the encouragement of UND’s influential president Webster Merrifield.

Writing Credits

Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay


What's Nearby


Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay, "Robertson-Sayre, Corwin, and Larimore Halls (Wesley College)", [Grand Forks, North Dakota], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of North Dakota

Buildings of North Dakota, Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2015, 81-81.

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