A broad, hexagonal, hipped roof covers the hexagonal-shaped library with its lava-rock walls and overhanging concrete eaves. The spacious reading room, ninety feet in diameter and twenty-five feet high, is a large yet intimate space. It is illuminated by a continuous clerestory, with awning windows for ventilation and a large wood-framed, hexagonal skylight. In this building, which is devoid of any right angles, a hexagonal circulation desk mediates the intersection of the hexagonal room with the irregular polygonal wing. The original lighting over the desk was destroyed during the 1980s, but the new fixture captures the spirit of the old. The single-story, flat-roofed wing contains meeting rooms, offices, and restrooms. Two murals by Maui artist Tadashi Sato grace the walls of the wing. The library's design may have been influenced by the years Oyakawa worked with Frank Lloyd Wright, who was then designing a number of buildings based on hexagonal modules.