This is one of the eight identifiable surviving structures of the stone-ender type peculiar to Rhode Island (not counting a few houses which started out as stone-enders but which now have later additions that cover their original stone ends). Here, however, the end chimney is actually constructed of brick. Among stone-enders the Greene-Bowen House has long been especially interesting to scholars because it contains features derived from both Providence and Newport building practices, perhaps not totally surprising, since Warwick is located between the state's two major colonial centers. The main block of the house conforms to the standard two-room plan with side-by-side fireplaces on the end chimney, found also in the Eleazer Arnold and Valentine Whitman houses in Lincoln (see entries), although the plan is slightly modified here by the one-story addition across the chimney's end. It was once thought that the house was built for Fones Greene about 1715, but research done in the 1970s suggests that the “original” house may have been built in two sections, one of which may be the “old house” built for Fones's father, James Greene, perhaps as early as 1687. Except for the installation of some interior partitions and sash windows in the mid-eighteenth century and the addition of a west lean-to and a narrow extension along the back (north) side of the house, the structure remained virtually untouched until the 1970s, never having had plumbing, central heating, or electricity. Since then the house, once in danger of collapsing, has been stabilized and restored in a manner that has had very little impact on the historic fabric.