The 110-room, 5-story, U-plan hotel has a three-level classical composition. The brick of the ground floor is set in rusticated courses forming a podium, topped by a contrasting stone stringcourse. Three stories are unified by brick pilasters, also with rusticated coursing. In the 1980s, the hotel was converted to elder housing. Recent new owners are developing retail on the ground floor and plan to build loft apartments above.
This was the project that brought T. Shirley Simons Sr. (1897–1963) to Lufkin. As a fresh Rice Institute graduate in the Houston office of his professor, William Ward Watkin, he was sent to work on the project. Simons relocated to Tyler in 1929 during the East Texas oil boom, building commercial, institutional, and residential commissions. Simons was among the first architects licensed in Texas under the 1937 registration law and one of the first regional directors of the Texas Society of Architects when it was formed in 1939.