Wooden I-houses are plentiful in Winona, all with Italianate detailing. The house (c. 1875) at 323 Summit has prominent eave brackets, pedimented first-floor window surrounds, and a one-story porch with columns shortened and brick piers added c. 1915. Major Frank Hawkins had the I-house at 504 Summit constructed in 1873 by a builder from nearby Vaiden, who included plentiful brackets, prominent pediments over double windows, and a cantilevered balcony set within a portico with tapered, vertically grooved quasi-classical columns.
Nearby at 416 Summit, the red brick, Gothic Revival former Immanuel Episcopal Church (1909) features a square corner tower and stickwork in its gables of the facade and the side porch. The church resembles the Episcopal Church of the Nativity in Greenwood (1902).