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Boreas Pass Road

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East off Main St. at the south end of Breckenridge

This dirt road between Breckenridge and Como in Park County follows the bed of the Denver, South Park & Pacific, a narrowgauge railroad winding up 5-percent grades and tight S curves. The 64-mile roadbed is said to include 435 curves, with the longest straight stretch only 1.6 miles long. Completed in 1882, the line was abandoned in 1937. Ruins of the engine house, boarding house, and snow sheds atop the 11,482-foot pass are disappearing, but the section house has been restored, as has the Baker Water Tank (1882), 6.6 miles east of Breckenridge, a 9,305-gallon redwood cylinder moved here in 1910 from its original site on the Denver, South Park & Pacific near the Alpine Tunnel.

Writing Credits

Thomas J. Noel


What's Nearby


Thomas J. Noel, "Boreas Pass Road", [Breckenridge, Colorado], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Colorado, Thomas J. Noel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, 463-463.

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