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Arkansas County Courthouse, Northern District

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1928, J. B. Barrett. 302 S. College St.
  • (Photograph by Brandonrush (Wikimedia Commons))
  • Arkansas County Courthouse (Photograph by Ruth Hawkins)

The decision to build a second courthouse for Arkansas County was a result of Stuttgart’s dramatic growth in the early twentieth century as the agricultural (rice being the principal crop), transportation, and business center of the county. The courthouse in DeWitt, the initial county seat, was replaced in 1931–1932 by a building designed by H. Ray Burks in a rather severe Art Deco style. Stuttgart’s courthouse, designed by J. B. Barrett for the local contracting firm of Barrett and Ogletree, is a Classical Revival two-story red brick structure on a raised basement. The north and east facades are similar, each with a central three bay-wide frontispiece defined by brick pilasters, a pediment with a small circular window in its center, and a white entablature.

Writing Credits

Cyrus A. Sutherland with Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore Jeannie M. Whayne and Contributors


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Cyrus A. Sutherland with Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore Jeannie M. Whayne and Contributors, "Arkansas County Courthouse, Northern District", [Stuttgart, Arkansas], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of Arkansas

Buildings of Arkansas, Cyrus A. Sutherland and contributors. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2018, 265-265.

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