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Mount Holly Cemetery

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1843 established. Broadway St. at W. 12th St.
  • (Photograph by Dell Upton)
  • (Photograph by Dell Upton)

Stone gateposts and an iron gate mark the entrance to this four-block cemetery that contains grave markers from the mid-nineteenth century. The first burial plots were sold in 1843, the year the cemetery was established, and the cemetery’s many graves, among which are those of Arkansas’s governors and senators, are sheltered by ancient trees of different varieties. The funerary monuments from the late nineteenth century are more elaborate than the earlier ones, but the most imposing structure is a mausoleum of 1917 designed by Thompson and Harding. Set in the northwest corner of the cemetery, this handsome Greek Revival mausoleum is built of limestone and has an entrance composed of fluted Doric columns in antis flanked by stained glass windows and a cornice with cavetto molding and a small parapet. A low stone wall topped by an iron fence (1881) surrounds the cemetery.

Writing Credits

Cyrus A. Sutherland with Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore Jeannie M. Whayne and Contributors


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Cyrus A. Sutherland with Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore Jeannie M. Whayne and Contributors, "Mount Holly Cemetery", [Little Rock, Arkansas], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of Arkansas

Buildings of Arkansas, Cyrus A. Sutherland and contributors. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2018, 135-136.

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