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San Juan County History Museum (San Juan County Jail)

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San Juan County Jail
1902. 16th and Greene sts.

A three-story brick box with the jailer's quarters on the first floor and cells above served as a shelter for indigents during Silverton's drowsy decades. The interior, and perhaps the exterior, are a standard design from the Pauley Jail Building and Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, which included one woman's cell and a never-finished padded cell. The original state-of-the-art steel cells, complete with leg irons and ball, are now part of the county museum, which moved into the jail in 1965. The predecessor jail (1883), 1361 Greene Street, is a structure of 2-by-6-inch boards laid flat.

Writing Credits

Thomas J. Noel


What's Nearby


Thomas J. Noel, "San Juan County History Museum (San Juan County Jail)", [Silverton, Colorado], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Colorado, Thomas J. Noel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, 563-563.

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