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Montezuma Schoolhouse

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1884. Webster Ave., one block east of Main St.

This one-room clapboard school on a stone foundation has a vestibule, cupola, and “boys” and “girls” outhouses affixed to the rear. Thirty-two years after closing in 1958, the school was acquired and restored by the Summit Historical Society. Inside is a wain-scoted classroom with blackboards, desks, vintage texts, and a 1958 Dupont Explosives wall calendar. Montezuma used the school as a polling place, wedding and dance hall, and town center. Verna Sharp, the last schoolmarm to preside on the elevated teacher's platform, authored a history of the community and its environs.

Writing Credits

Thomas J. Noel


What's Nearby


Thomas J. Noel, "Montezuma Schoolhouse", [Montezuma, Colorado], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Colorado, Thomas J. Noel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, 466-466.

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