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Fort Pulaski National Monument

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1924. Cockspur Island

Fort Pulaski is located on Cockspur Island at the mouth of the Savannah River and includes elements of several fortification periods, as well as a monument (1951) sponsored by the Georgia Society, Colonial Dames of America, marking the site where John Wesley landed after crossing the Atlantic Ocean and held a thanksgiving service on February 6, 1736. The fort, the island, and surrounding marshland were designated a national monument in 1924, and comprises an area of 54,000 acres, all but 450 of which are tidal marshes and mud flats. The National Park Service acquired responsibility for the site in 1933.

Writing Credits

Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler


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Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler, "Fort Pulaski National Monument", [Savannah, Georgia], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Savannah, Robin B. Williams. With David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016, 234-234.

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