The steep sweep of an enormous, double-pitched hipped roof defines the golf course's clubhouse. Its hollow-tile walls, even though emboldened by lava-rock veneer, are subsumed by the mass of shingles, and the la nai walkways with their chamfered posts are sheltered by wide overhanging eaves. A comfortable, well-organized series of rooms, the clubhouse is simple yet graceful. The lateral-running lanai walkway serves as the organizational spine of the T-shaped structure, penetrating the body of the T and separating the locker rooms from the linearly orchestrated public spaces including the office, the nineteenth hole, and a lounge. The lounge's sliding glass doors and floor-to-ceiling windows look out on the Robert Trent Jones Jr.–designed fairways and the ocean. The building's transom ventilators allow the free circulation of cooling trade winds.