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Ashworth Park Pool and Bathhouse

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1984, Bussard/Dukis Associates. Greenwood Park; Grand Ave. at 45th St.
  • Ashworth Park Pool and Bathhouse (David Gebhard and Gerald Mansheim)

The Postmodernist design of the pool and bath-house suggests that the architects used as a source of reference the rectilinear geometry of early Modernist architecture of the 1920s and early 1930s. The playful lightness of touch conveys much the same atmosphere that one associates with early Swedish Modernism of the 1930s. The main facade of the bath-house, looking out onto the pool, consists of three receding volumes that center on a basket/ ticket area defined by bright green. White, light blue, and terracotta red define the other wall surfaces. The module of the square or rectangle is repeated in colored glazed brick inserts and again in the windows.

While in Greenwood Park one should visit the various small-scaled rustic recreational and picnic structures, especially those of stone and wood constructed in the 1920s and 1930s.

Writing Credits

David Gebhard and Gerald Mansheim

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