Two grand but undistinguished towers, thirty and twenty-one stories, rise above restored nineteenth-century buildings at the corner of Oliver and Purchase streets. Clad in rose granite, the facades are punctuated by contrasting horizontal and vertical glass and metal panels, and the whole is capped by awkward mansard roofs. An eight-story atrium joins the two buildings, which have increased visibility with the completion of the depressed Central Artery. Still, long-term residents may bemoan the day in 1988 when the Travelers Building was imploded on the site; here stood an exemplary International Style building, dating from the 1950s. The replacement complex also contains a fire station. Verizon is the major tenant for these towers, located diagonally across from its headquarters, the former New England Telephone Company Buildings (1947, Cram and Ferguson) at 185 Franklin Street. That Art Deco high-rise shelters a museum honoring Alexander Graham Bell, Boston inventor of the telephone.