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1872, Dixon and Carson. 10 E. Mount Vernon Pl.
  • (Lisa Pfueller Davidson and Catherine C. Lavoie)
  • (HABS)

Of all the fine buildings surrounding Mount Vernon Square, this High Victorian Gothic church is one of the showiest, competing visually with the adjacent Washington Monument. Its asymmetrical towers, rose window, pointed relieving arch, and sculptured finials are enhanced by the use of polychrome materials such as green serpentine stone walls and red and buff sandstone trim. A triple entranceway features charming details of carved flora and fauna. On the basilica-plan interior slender cast-iron columns support carved wood pointed-arch trusses. Architects Dixon and Carson formed their successful partnership while this church was under construction. Thomas Dixon, the elder architect, designed several High Victorian Gothic churches for East Coast cities, but this one stands as one of his most noteworthy designs.

Writing Credits

Lisa Pfueller Davidson and Catherine C. Lavoie


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Lisa Pfueller Davidson and Catherine C. Lavoie, "MOUNT VERNON PLACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH", [Baltimore, Maryland], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Maryland, Lisa Pfueller Davidson and Catherine C. Lavoie. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022, 158-158.

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