The Michigan Conservation Department (now the Department of Natural Resources), with funds from a Civil Works Administration (CWA) grant, constructed this trout-feeding station, with a small hatchery pond and dam and several small, frame and log structures along Cooks Run Stream. The stream is a tributary of the Paint River, whose waters eventually flow into Lake Michigan's Green Bay. Fingerlings at Cook River were raised and planted in the Great Lakes.
A simplified form of the Adirondack Rustic style is evidenced in the one-and-a-half-story, roughly H-plan, log caretaker's cabin. It is a noteworthy example of vernacular wilderness camp architecture, which utilizes local materials and displays outstanding craftsmanship and decorative details. Its light fixtures and stairway were fashioned of mitered tree roots by Frank Rawnick, a local wood-carver. The trout-feeding station was promoted as a tourist attraction in the late 1930s and 1940s and was given to Iron County in 1961 for operation as a park.