Once advertised as “Vegas with Sweet Tea,” the Pearl River Resort includes two casinos with hotels owned by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. The Silver Star includes a bland hotel building and gable-front casino. The more dramatic constructions are the enclosed pedestrian bridge over MS 16 and the Postmodern Golden Moon Casino, with its colorful, spiraling twenty-eight-story slab of hotel rooms rising to a geodesic sphere holding the “Luna Lounge.” At its south end, the bridge begins at a tilted cylinder sheathed in corrugated metal and, above concrete supports, its steel-truss structure is enclosed in bands of metal panels interrupted by continuous strip windows and cut-out signage. Another sloping cylinder receives the bridge on the north side of the highway, and beyond it the hotel’s many-windowed blue and orange concrete panels rise above a glazed, metal-panel base similar to the facing of the bridge.