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2009–2012, Unabridged Architecture. 228 Coleman Ave.

Hurricanes have taken a particularly heavy toll on Waveland, which sits near sea level. This modern interpretation of the southern dogtrot form shelters three “pods” and a front porch under a shed roof. Constructed of steel, concrete, and wood-composite rainscreen siding, the combination civic and commercial building received LEED Silver certification. Across the street at 301 Coleman is the two-story Classical Revival Waveland City Hall (2011, B.D.A. Architects). At number 338, Unabridged Architecture reconstructed the Tudor Revival former Waveland Elementary School (1927) for use as a civic center.

Writing Credits

Jennifer V.O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio with Mary Warren Miller


What's Nearby


Jennifer V.O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio with Mary Warren Miller, "WAVELAND BUSINESS CENTER", [Waveland, Mississippi], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Mississippi, Jennifer V. O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio. With Mary Warren Miller. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2021, 339-339.

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