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1955, Jones and Haas. 2312 East-over Dr.

Developed by the Jackson Ready-Mix Concrete company as a model for its new “Jax-Lite” products, this all-concrete house was built by contractors Kimbrough Homes and opened to much fanfare with a groundbreaking by Jackson mayor Allen C. Thompson. Newspapers noted that “the model home will demonstrate the construction advantages and decorative effects now possible with concrete and concrete masonry units.” The long, low ranch house form features exposed concrete rafters precast with roof deck panels, a fully glazed living room, and a massive Roman brick chimney at its core.

Writing Credits

Jennifer V.O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio with Mary Warren Miller


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Jennifer V.O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio with Mary Warren Miller, "THE JAX-LITE HOME", [Jackson, Mississippi], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Mississippi, Jennifer V. O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio. With Mary Warren Miller. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2021, 268-268.

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