Providence Meetinghouse still bears the village's name before it became the county seat and was renamed Media. Worship was held at the site as early as the 1680s and a meetinghouse had been constructed here before 1700. The cemetery to the rear, visible behind the stable, is typical with its plain markers in a simple grass lawn. The meetinghouse is unusual in facing west rather than south. It is otherwise the conventional western double form with a pair of doors under cantilevered hoods flanked by shuttered windows. The masonry is coarse but effective with larger stones visible at the corner through the rough cast stucco. Across the street is the tiny mid-eighteenth-century Minshall house, which is now a house museum. Shorn of its log and frame portions, it was restored with a recreated pent eave and the removal of stucco to reveal the original stonework. It is open to the public on limited days.