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Norriton Presbyterian Church

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c. 1698, 1903. Germantown Pike at N. Trooper Rd., 4 miles north of Norristown
  • (© George E. Thomas)

Like the slightly later St. David's Protestant Episcopal Church in Delaware County ( DE47), this Norriton church followed the model of the single-room Quaker meetinghouse, suggesting that the dominant faith set the architectural tone. Located north of Norristown, it marks the original village on the major through road that linked the region to Philadelphia. This church is of note for its carefully cut stone facade with small voussoirs over the round-arched windows and door. The eighteenth-century houses around it are of the same soft yellowish stone and convey the unity characteristic of the early vernacular. The church was rebuilt in 1903 after a fire. Farther west on Germantown Pike is Evansberg, an English settlement that centered on St. James Episcopal Church, founded in 1700. Its handsome Gothic Revival church is the center of a whitewashed village. Across Germantown Pike is the school that is very like the Norriton church in scale and form.

Writing Credits

George E. Thomas


What's Nearby


George E. Thomas, "Norriton Presbyterian Church", [East Norriton, Pennsylvania], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of PA vol 2

Buildings of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, George E. Thomas, with Patricia Likos Ricci, Richard J. Webster, Lawrence M. Newman, Robert Janosov, and Bruce Thomas. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2012, 204-204.

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