Located on the eastern edge of the campus adjacent to I-35, and designed by Gordon Bunshaft of SOM, this bold two-building complex linked by a plaza is quintessentially 1970s with its large scale and stark, heavy modernistic travertine forms. The library and museum are housed in the ten-story, travertine-clad building with dramatic cantilevered eaves. The interior Great Hall has an impressive and untraditional exposed view of five stories of collections that include over forty-five million pages from Johnson's public service career. The long, low Sid Richardson building on the ridge above the Great Hall houses the Lyndon Baines Johnson School for Public Affairs, the Center for American History, and faculty offices linked to the museum building by the plaza.
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Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum, and Sid Richardson Hall
1970, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, and Brooks, Barr, Graeber and White; 2006 restoration and redesign, Overland Partners Architects and ArchiTexas
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