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Colonial Funeral Home (House)
Despite the intrusive one-story building in the side yard along E. Garden Street, this turreted brick house, which has been a funeral home for several decades, is extraordinary, especially in its small-town setting. Elements of the house appear Leffland-like: the chamfered corner bay inside the second-story corner turret (note that it is a hollow on the second floor and a solid on the first floor) and the wedge-shaped roof of the south-facing towered bay, now obscured by the one-story building. The plan and massing are nearly identical to the Chilton House ( GB11). But because Leffland seems to have designed few brick houses, comparative analysis offers shaky support for an architectural attribution.
Goliad's north end neighborhood is small but it contains fine examples of characteristic nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century house types. The house at 246 E. Garden Street (c. 1913) is a spacious bungalow, faced with light brown brick and wrapped on two sides of its sloping site with a broad gallery. There is even an architecturally coordinated garage at the rear of the property. Sharing the block front with it, at number 212, is an imposing Colonial Revival house of c. 1915.
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