Designed by the successor firm to Voelcker and Dixon (Voelcker moved to Houston in 1945), the U-shaped building with four-story wings and a two-story unit filling the space between the wings is typical of the handsome buildings the organization commissioned. Faced with white brick simulating stone, the small balconies, corbeling, decorative friezes, and round-arched windows give the building a slightly Mediterranean flavor, also seen at other YMCAs.
The YMCA shares the block with the handsome, three-story tapestry brick and terra-cotta-detailed Maer-Heydrick Building (1919; 1000 9th) by Field and Lauck. Opposite at 1005 9th, Bundy, Young, Sims and Potter purchased and rehabilitated the Wichita Falls Elks Lodge No. 1105 (1930, Carr and Blakemore) in 1994 for their offices. The front portion of the two-story brick structure is tawny brick, with contrasting red brick inlays. A heavily bracketed cornice supports a red barrel tile coping to convey an Italianate character.