Five terminals for nine railroads were consolidated at the passenger station on the west edge of downtown above the Trinity River as part of the Kessler Plan to remove tracks that crossed downtown and to create the focus for a City Beautiful civic center. Chicago architect Hunt, who also designed Kansas City’s Union Station (1914) as part of a Kessler plan, used white glazed brick and terra-cotta in a bold classical style for this monumental gateway into the city. The vaulted waiting room on the second floor is expressed on the exterior by three central bays with monumental fluted Tuscan columns in antis with a deeply shadowed loggia behind. The station was closed to passenger service in 1969 and reopened in 1974 for Amtrak. The station also accommodates commercial and event activities. Behind the station, a DART concourse, whose tracks replaced the original rail lines, serves the Hyatt Regency Hotel to the west, the courts buildings, and Dealey Plaza.