A trio of entertainment venues on the old flood-plain of the West Fork of the Trinity River in northern Grand Prairie illustrates the large-scale civic facilities owned and operated by suburban municipalities to provide amenities in intense competition with nearby metropolitan areas. This 315-acre park contains a horse-racing track (Lone Star Park), a baseball and outdoor concert stadium (Airhogs Stadium), and a performing arts theater (Verizon Theater).
A monumental Spanish Colonial Revival frontispiece forms the entrance to and the backdrop of the bleachers overlooking the Lone Star Park’s racetrack. The frontispiece’s stepped towers, arcaded false windows, and a series of projecting towers and receding wall bays make a picturesque, if pastiched, frame to the race-winner’s circle landscaping in front. The 6,500-seat Verizon Theater (2002, Halff Associates; 1001 Performance Parkway) has flexible seating arrangements for various types of performances. A basic but grandly glazed lobby fronts the utilitarian metal-panel-clad building.
The Grand Prairie Airhogs Stadium (2008, SPARKS Sports) at 1600 Lone Star projects a rather confusing image. A large central archway formed in light steel trusses resembles an old aircraft hangar, while the brick masses on each side step up into squat towers with open lanterns like airport control towers. Curved structures to shield and cover the bleachers are clad in industrial metal siding. The stadium recalls the history of old Hensley Field (see GF1) to the south rather than the history of old baseball parks, a more common conceit for new baseball parks.