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U.S. Post Office and Federal Building

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1932, James A. Wetmore, Supervising Architect of the U.S. Treasury. 800 Broadway St.

The spare classicism of this three-story limestone and buff brick former post office reflects the lean times of the early Great Depression years. A central projecting three-bay portico flanked by four-bay wings has two Ionic columns below the pediment. Otherwise, there are no other defining details. The post office was funded through the Public Buildings Act of 1926 and served until 1968, when it was taken over by the county and closed in 1998. Recent proposals for office, hotel, or apartment reuse are being considered by the county. The building and the jail (LK3) occupy the eastern half of the original two-block courthouse square.

Writing Credits

Gerald Moorhead et al.


What's Nearby


Gerald Moorhead et al., "U.S. Post Office and Federal Building", [Lubbock, Texas], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Texas

Buildings of Texas: East, North Central, Panhandle and South Plains, and West, Gerald Moorhead and contributors. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2019, 378-378.

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