Merchant Dan Hodges, who arrived in Palestine in the late 1870s with his brother A. B. Hodges, along with the railroad, built this two-story frame Queen Anne house, which features a cross-gabled roof, a corner tower with a steep roof, and a one-story wraparound porch with a low gable over the front steps.
On the same block at 503 E. Hodges is the John R. and Emma Hearne House (1896, Luther McKlemurry). Pharmacist Hearne was also a banker and mayor, and he founded the Palestine Hardware Company, which became the largest in the region. The Queen Anne house on 2.5 acres is distinctive for the red brick veneer added in 1902. The wraparound porch is supported on Ionic columns. The house is built on land received as a wedding present when he married George R. Howard’s daughter (see TK36).