This Queen Anne house was designed by the wife of lawyer and state senator Benjamin Franklin Buchanan and built on a portion of the Sheffey estate. Buchanan's law office was housed in the east wing of the house. The two-and-a-half-story frame house is clad in weatherboards on the first story and decorative wooden shingles on the second. It is an irregular-shaped dwelling with a prominent asymmetrical front gable containing a Palladian window and diagonal boarding and decorative trusswork. An octagonal two-story tower rises at the southwest corner, and a porch with Tuscan columns on brick piers wraps around two sides of the house.
Also Queen Anne is the house (1911; 109 W. Strother) erected for H. B. Staley, owner of the Marion Roller Mills. The brick hipped-roof house has cross gables, bay windows, a wraparound porch with paired and tripled Ionic columns on brick piers, and a prominent front gable clad in wooden shingles.