The house built for merchant John Meacham at the northwest corner of the Castleton green represents one of Dake's first independent commissions. Responding to its location, it has two principal fronts—a three-bay front on the street and a five-bay pedimented gable front toward the green. The street entrance is marked with a distinctive triple-arched porch motif that Dake used the previous year on his own house. Its broad elliptical central and narrow semicircular lateral bays echo the door and sidelights behind. The porch, lintel boards, frieze, and highly embellished lateral gable are all decorated with Adamesque swags and rosettes in the spirit of Asher Benjamin's Windsor vocabulary, and are all motifs that occur elsewhere in the village as well, notably on the Harris House (c. 1815) at the other end of the green. About 1920 a Colonial Revival veranda was added on the green side, its Corinthian columns carefully repeating the detailing of the front porch, but on a larger scale.