As a name, Falls View is something of a stretch: the Falls of the Kanawha are upstream, around a bend, and definitely not visible from this residential community. Falls View has a town plan similar to Boomer's, though its more generous scale and amenities indicate that management intended this for workers higher on the wage scale. Falls Street is the equivalent of Boomer's “street with no name.” From Falls Street, narrow one-block streets (named here after local trees instead of letters of the alphabet) alternating with pedestrian walkways lead to the riverbank. Frame or shingle-clad houses built on poured concrete foundations and topped with gable, gambrel, or hipped roofs display just enough variety to avoid monotony. As at Boomer, houses were ordered from Huntington's Minter Homes Corporation. The majority are one-and-onehalf or two-story single-family houses, typically colonial in design. Front doors face pedestrian courts rather than streets. Several are duplexes, and there are three apartment houses. In 1955 EMCO sold the houses to employees, some of whom, now retired, still live in what was one of West Virginia's most pleasant company towns.