This house, constructed by the builder George Kenyon for his own use, looks to the late Queen Anne style, with a glance at the Colonial Revival, to suggest a country house, not a suburban dwelling. The extensive wooded site at the end of this dead-end street provides the illusion that the house is in wooded countryside. The house lies low to the ground, and this horizontal quality is reinforced by a long front porch. Above, on the second floor, the corner bay tower opens up into another porch, and the adjacent window on the front gable end contains a pretend porch, above which is yet another miniature porch off of the attic window.
Woodlawn Avenue, which in part is treated as a divided boulevard ending in a cul-de-sac, was outside of the city's original 1839 plat. It was laid out in the late 1880s, and in, 1889 it appears in records as S. M. Clark's subdivision. In addition to the Kenyon house, there are several other late-1880s houses on the street. Among these are the houses at 1011 Woodlawn (1888), 1025 Woodlawn (1891), and 1047 Woodlawn (1888). Woodlawn Avenue is now a historic district within the city.