The WPA sponsored the construction of two rustic county park structures of local granite and shingles on the wooded shores of Chicagoan Lake. The small park office houses the Iron County Park Service offices and public restrooms. The L-shaped park bathhouse has an open dressing area protected by a high granite wall extending from its east side.
Efforts to establish the Pentoga County Park began in 1918 with a county campaign to preserve and maintain a Chippewa burial site on the south shore of Chicagoan Lake. Formerly the location of an extensive Chippewa village, the burial ground and its five spirit houses were all that remained of the settlement. The county purchased the property in 1922 and established the park in 1923. Named in honor of the wife of Chief Edwards, the last Native American chief to reside at Chicagoan Lake, Pentoga Park became the headquarters of the Iron County Park Service.