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Pershing County Courthouse

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1921, Frederick J. DeLongchamps. 400 Main St. (southwest corner of Main St. and Dartmouth Ave.)
  • Pershing County Courthouse (Bret Morgan)
  • Pershing County Courthouse (Julie Nicoletta)
  • Pershing County Courthouse (Richard W. Longstreth)
  • Pershing County Courthouse (Richard W. Longstreth)

The people of Lovelock have one of the nation's only round courthouses. Pershing County officials approached Frederick J. DeLongchamps, by then the architect of six Nevada courthouses, and asked for a design that would be low in price but distinctive in appearance. As a solution, DeLongchamps designed a round courthouse, patterning it after Thomas Jefferson's library on the University of Virginia campus. The circle-over-hexagon design includes a circular interior hallway and a round courtroom decorated with Corinthian pilasters. A broad, sweeping concrete staircase leads to the main floor of this Beaux-Arts classical structure. Its entrance includes a pedimented portico supported by six Ionic columns. Doric pilasters separate the main-story windows. Cream-colored brick and terra-cotta finish the exterior. A shallow dome crowns the roof and provides the courtroom with a dramatic, soaring ceiling.

Writing Credits

Julie Nicoletta


What's Nearby


Julie Nicoletta, "Pershing County Courthouse", [Lovelock, Nevada], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Nevada, Julie Nicoletta. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, 133-134.

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