Bearing a resemblance to Jules Leffland's Levytansky House in Victoria ( VI20) , this house is unusual in Beeville for being built of brick. The street fronts of the house are folded into a series of bays so that the walls almost seem to ripple when seen from the Hefferman and Harrison streets corner. The effect is enhanced by the double-level gallery that wraps around the south and west sides of the house, dissolving the solidity of the long, straight west wall with multiple layers of decorative wood screening and railings.
A block west at 300 E. Hefferman Street is an unusual one-and-a-half-story L-plan wood cottage of about 1900. It has very steeply pitched roofs whose diagonal planes are geometrically reflected in the chamfered corners of the first-floor bay ends and in a marvelous octagonal turret where the two wings of the ell meet, containing the front door.