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1898–1901. 27–33 W. Bluff Dr.

This set of modest single-story vacation cottages was built as summer retreats along Bluff Drive over a four-year period: 1898 (number 27), 1900 (number 29), and 1901 (number 31). Each cottage features a central door between original double-hung windows that begin at floor level and four delicate Tuscan columns supporting a covered porch. Number 29 best retains the original form. A fourth cottage built in 1920 at 33 W. Bluff resembles the others, but its porch columns are larger.

Writing Credits

Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler


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Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler, "Cottages", [Savannah, Georgia], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Savannah, Robin B. Williams. With David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016, 263-263.

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