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Weis House

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1959, Mark Garrison Hampton. 5606 Sweetbriar Cir., Fairway Oaks

Designed for the owner of a local movie theater chain, Hampton brought the 1950s Sarasota School of Architecture, sometimes called “Florida Modern,” to Savannah. The flat roof, metal-and-glass curtain walls, large sliding glass doors, wood sunshades, raised floors with floating staircases, verandahs, and concrete patios merited a 1959 Architectural Review prize for “outstanding design in steel construction.”

Writing Credits

Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler


What's Nearby


Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler, "Weis House", [Savannah, Georgia], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Savannah, Robin B. Williams. With David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016, 276-276.

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