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1954, W. S. Evans; 2004 addition, Cooke Douglass Farr Lemons. 151 E. Griffith St.

This four-story tan brick International Style building denotes the importance of the gas and oil industry in Jackson’s post-World War II development. Its off-center tower acts as an exclamation point in the horizontal flow of windows, aluminum spandrels, brise soleil, and curved canti-levered awning. Double-glazed windows helped insulate its air-conditioned spaces. An addition on the west expanded classroom and library space for Mississippi College School of Law, which has occupied the building since 1980.

Writing Credits

Jennifer V.O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio with Mary Warren Miller


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Jennifer V.O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio with Mary Warren Miller, "MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE SCHOOL OF LAW (UNITED GAS COMPANY)", [Jackson, Mississippi], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Mississippi, Jennifer V. O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio. With Mary Warren Miller. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2021, 246-247.

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