With its tent-like roof over a central worship space, this precast concrete, parallelogram-shaped building designed by Edward F. Neal, evokes the tents that the Israelites used while wandering in the wilderness. A cantilevered canopy shelters the glazed entrance, flanked by long walls of concrete piers infilled with blond brick. This, the fourth synagogue for a congregation established in 1860, became a target for the Ku Klux Klan soon after it opened because of Rabbi Perry Nussbaum’s civil rights activism. The KKK bombed the building on September 18, 1967, damaging Nuss-baum’s office, and on November 21, they bombed his house at 3410 Old Canton Road. No one was injured in either attack.
Nearby, at 5400 Old Canton, the five-pavilion tan brick St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (1964) was also the work of the Biggs firm.