On the west side of Rittenhouse Square, Locust Street begins with the late French medieval-styled Chateau Crillon of 1928 by Horace Trumbauer. Its yellow brick and limestone trim convey its 1920s date. Farther west, at 2028 Locust Street, is Wilson Eyre Jr.'s old English refacing of the first floor of a simple brick row house as an in-town pied-a-terre for C. Leland Harrison (c. 1896); across the street at numbers 2013–2021 is a memorable Queen Anne row by Robert G. Kennedy (1887) for developer William T. Tiers. The contrast with the light gray brick and limestone Beaux-Arts Paris-style mansion of Jay Lippincott at 2023 Locust (1897) is startling in red brick Philadelphia, but perhaps not unexpected in the work of Louis C. Hickman, a pupil of Francophile Theophilus Parsons Chandler.