The profusion of gables, bays, chimneys, and window grids on the two floors of this Queen Anne residence creates a variety of angles, shadowed eaves, and sloping projections. The first story, of brick, is largely screened by a deep porch whose stocky turned posts run across two-thirds of the facade. The overall effect is of a woven tapestry: patches of shingle work and clapboards are divided by the sculptural treatment of gables and bays, and the brickwork is re-exposed by the half timbering of the entry bay. This meshing of elements is forcefully seen at the south end of the house, where a tall, pilastered chimney rises up to meet and penetrate the projecting third-story gable, reemerging at the roof line in a corbeled chimney cap. The broad, low arch of the porte-cochere reaches invitingly toward Bellevue Avenue.