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Odd Fellows Lodge

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1897, H. Rus Warne. 316 5th St. (southwest side of 5th St., between Market and Avery sts.)
  • Odd Fellows Lodge (S. Allen Chambers, Jr.)

This wonderfully confused facade may be two, three, or six bays broad. Its several stories (again the number is in doubt) are mostly faced with cream-colored brick with rough sandstone trim. An overall Romanesque flavor pervades, but the twin stepped gables that crown the confusion are decidedly Dutch. The building is significant as the first known work of a major West Virginia architect who still had a lot to learn. Actually, a sketch of the facade published while the building was under construction shows a much more rational fenestration pattern. Either Warne changed his mind, or the building has been considerably remodeled.

Writing Credits

S. Allen Chambers Jr.


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S. Allen Chambers Jr., "Odd Fellows Lodge", [Parkersburg, West Virginia], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

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