This felicitous foursome, or engaging eightsome, consists of four double houses that illustrate various design solutions to similar situations. The earliest, and plainest, is the northernmost couple, a two-storied, two-bayed pair at 726–728. Their detail is confined to segmental lintels and a bracketed wooden cornice. The Williams Duplex, built in 1883–1884, is next door at 730–732. Recessed from the houses to either side, these three-bay, two-story Wheeling Italianate units share a central chimney. The two remaining pairs, 734–736 and 738–740, are both three stories tall and display finely executed hard-pressed brickwork and metal finials. All four, or eight, maintain the same basic rhythm and make a reassuringly compact contribution to the urban fabric of Main Street. Fortunately, all have received tender loving care in recent years, not always a given in the neighborhood.