In numbers 89–91 Parade Street, owned by a partner in a grocery concern, the two units appear as different halves of an asymmetrical composition. The simulated structure enframes openings and decorative panels. As we look at such elevations the pseudostructure alternately combines the features it frames in various combinations, or frame and feature may fall apart into their individual components. Number 103, built for an insurance agent, takes us farther back in time, from the early 1880s to 1875, the structural framework now tending to exert more restraint. Overall, this house is the simplest of L-shaped mansarded boxes (although originally with iron cresting) into which an entrance porch is fitted. Yet the splaying of its bracketed corners above the ground story transforms the shape, as does the concentration of the windows to the center of the front elevation as a kind of compositional updraft to the dormer. Daringly inverted scroll brackets serve as open dampers to draw the ascending columns of form through the bracketed cornice.