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John Ahern House

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1956, John Ahern. 1526 Spalding Rd.

The neighborhood builder’s personal residence, this midcentury ranch house, unassuming on the exterior, opens to a split-level plan featuring a curvilinear balcony running diagonally across the interior, separating the foyer and entrance-level bedrooms from the den, living room, dining room, and kitchen on the lower yard level. The entrance opens to a panoramic sweep of the entire interior and views of the yard. Features such as exposed roof beams and vertically fluted blonde oak paneling combine with reused Savannah Grey brick and interior plantings to add rich texture to the innovative spatial qualities.

Writing Credits

Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler


What's Nearby


Robin B. Williams with David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler, "John Ahern House", [Savannah, Georgia], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Savannah, Robin B. Williams. With David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016, 277-277.

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