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C. R. Crowne–John B. Myler House

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1895, C. R. Crowne and John B. Myler. 315 N. 3rd St.
  • (Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, A Division of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, Ralph Wilcox, photographer)

This one-story Victorian cottage is a brick and limestone advertisement for master mason Crowne and his sixteen-year-old stepson and apprentice, Myler. A 1950 newspaper profile of Myler observed that “Every [brick] building in Rogers with stone trim erected since 1895 has been built by some member of the Crowne-Myler combination.” The house’s combination of red brick walls with limestone trim and quoins was popular in northwest Arkansas. Although much of the limestone used in the region was quarried locally, a quarry in Carthage, Missouri, was frequently specified by architect Albert O. Clarke after he moved to Rogers from St. Louis and established his practice here. In 1900, Crowne relocated north to Joplin, Missouri, and young Myler was left to practice his craft in Rogers. This house and dozens of other brick and stone commercial and residential buildings serve as tributes to these masons.

Writing Credits

Cyrus A. Sutherland with Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore Jeannie M. Whayne and Contributors


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Cyrus A. Sutherland with Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore Jeannie M. Whayne and Contributors, "C. R. Crowne–John B. Myler House", [Rogers, Arkansas], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of Arkansas

Buildings of Arkansas, Cyrus A. Sutherland and contributors. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2018, 38-39.

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