This summer resort originated with the 1874 ranch of Joseph A. Estabrook. After the DSP&P arrived in 1878, railroad backers Charles B. Kountze and his brother-in-law William Bart Berger bought the ranch and converted it to a family retreat. Kountze, with his brothers and brother-in-law, founded the Colorado National Bank. Since the 1860s the Bergers and Kountzes have been prominent in Denver banking and social circles, often retaining leading architects to design their banks, homes, and summer places. The Kountze House (1902, William E. Fisher and Daniel Riggs Huntington) is a two-story, slab-sided house with a wrap-around veranda with hand-carved porch posts and a stable on Craig Creek. The Rivercliff Ranch consists of a two-story granite house (c. 1930) and an old barn, a corral, and an ice-house. The Bergers' Estabrook Ranch House (1874 with additions) exemplifies the western Rustic Style with its steep-pitched roof, gabled dormers, diagonal and vertical slab construction, and wrap-around porch with ornamental log railings. Most other Estabrook structures are in the same style: timber-framed buildings sheathed with thin semicircular or elliptical sections of log covered with bark. Whole or partial bark logs are also used for fences, railings, and