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Valley City Ace Hardware

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1883; 1936 storefront renovated. 224 Central Ave. N
  • (Photograph by Steve C. Martens)

Believed to be the oldest surviving of four original Ace Hardware franchises in the United States, George and Olga Fogarty operated this hardware store into the 1950s. Built as a hardware store in 1883, this distinctive building was extensively remodeled in 1936 under a New Deal federal work relief program, the Modernization Credit Plan (MCP). Vitrolite structural glass facing panels were installed around the storefront display windows. The Vitrolite panels are an important character-defining feature of this Ace Hardware store’s association with Streamline Moderne.

Writing Credits

Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay


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Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay, "Valley City Ace Hardware", [Valley City, North Dakota], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of North Dakota

Buildings of North Dakota, Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2015, 61-61.

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