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Grand Order Masonic Temple Lodge Hall

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1913, Joseph Bell DeRemer; Dinnie Brothers, builders. 421 Bruce Ave.
  • (Photograph by Steve C. Martens)

This imposing three-story Beaux-Arts classical building rises from a rusticated stone podium, is articulated by full-height engaged pilasters, and is ornamented with carved limestone garlands and a ceremonial double-headed eagle above the central entrance. The interior auditorium is splendid, with elaborate interchangeable, custom-painted theatrical backdrops invoking symbols and ritual themes of Freemasonry.

Writing Credits

Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay


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Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay, "Grand Order Masonic Temple Lodge Hall", [Grand Forks, North Dakota], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Cover: Buildings of North Dakota

Buildings of North Dakota, Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2015, 74-74.

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