This town house sits virtually intact with its original full-width balcony, brick details, and interior furnishings. In continuous ownership by the Solís family, the house was built for a doctor with his office on the first floor, and the family residence on the second. The two-story edifice wraps around an interior courtyard accessed through a central, flat arched entrance with an escutcheon inscribed “C.S. 1900.” Sedate in appearance, the main elevation includes ten segmental-arched openings decorated with brick hood molds with diminutive dentil work. The openings, in turn, are filled by French doors with operable wooden panels. Crowning the entire front is a banded frieze and cornice with corbeled brick pendants. As a composition, the frieze and cornice are set within, or floating in, the upper portion of the elevation, as opposed to extending to its top and sides, a feature also seen downriver in Brownsville and Matamoros.